Dan Byrd is not real.

We know the truth. You should too.

Don’t fall for the propaDANda.

Ever thought Dan Byrd was simply too good to be true?
That’s because he is.
Dan Byrd is an AI-produced government spy sent to the Bay Area by the CIA to convince as many people as possible to move to California.

Dan Byrd?
More like Ab-Syrd.

Hair? Nice. Accent? Also nice. It’s all too nice. If you’re on this page, you may wonder if you’ve been impacted by Dan Byrd. You probably have.

If Bigfoot isn’t real,
Dan sure as shit isn’t.

“Safety Dan has never been lost in the woods. If Bigfoot isn’t real, Dan sure as shit isn’t.”
Izzy Hendry, former friend and Byrder

“I met Dan the first week I came to California, and now I have a ponytail and talk about my feelings. COINCIDENCE?”

Mike Heaton, Former friend and Byrder

It’s a trick.

Some things are real. Byrds aren’t.